Thursday, September 29, 2005

Fatal Frame Movie Casting!

This is as far as now only rumours!

Well, we've got another casting rumour for the part of Miku in the Fatal Frame Movie. (And it's not Milla Jovovich). According to Ablazingly Courtney Webb, the actress has actually approached Dreamworks about getting a part in the movie (she is reported to really want the part of Miku, but will take any part.) Also, G4TV in Japan (Not to be confused with the TV show G4 Tech TV in the US) also mentioned that she was considering (or being considered) taking the role of Miku.Sadly, both links that the website links to are I have no way of doublechecking to see in fact if these rumours are true. Courtney Webb was recently in The Grudge by Dreamworks where she played as a Sick Girl (she was uncreditted in the movie). As soon as I find out more information on this, I will let you guys know!

- sources( BCL, Laura & Ablazingly Courtney Webb)
Also.. usually highlights a game per week at an exceptionally low price. This week it's Zero ~Shisei no Koe~! So for you gamers with Japanese (or modded) playstations that have the ability to play Region 2 games...and you've just been waiting a LITTLE longer before getting your is the time to act!
Sadly, just after two single days and the game is already out of stock! It's a good thing and a bad thing.
But you can see keep a eye on the site, and maybe you will be lucky to find it!
- sources( BCL )

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Amano is UP!

Yup! And there is a lot of things already! The website includes information on all her records up until now, a message from the artist herself, artwork, and pictures taken from the set of her Koe PV! (which is the best part!)
PonyCanyon, which distributes Amano's albums and records, also put up an official promo page with selections of the songs (thankyou S.I.R. from BCL forums) However, once again, the TITLE song of the album seems to be mysteriously nonexistant.

Listen to the songs here

This is also up on Voice-Over, which is a part of Double Shot.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Tecmo updates once again!

This is the Official U.S. cover! It look so azaming, and is also pretty scary at the same time! Thanks to Sae-Yae for saying it was up on Tecmo's English site. I found it as well, but I didn't know how to get the big version of it.O.o

Finally we got this azaming Kei Amakura wallpaper! It's really cool, if you ask me. >;D
Also... Tecmo has a little about Amano Tsukiko(the singer of the two Fatal Frame games) her new album up! A Mood Child In The Sky, which looks pretty scary that new cover.

Find more on the site info about the album on the site!

And you can hear some of the songs on this one! Thanks to S.I.R for telling us this!

And one more thing. I don't want to have more comments with sites, there is not have anything to do with Fatal Frame/Project Zero. Comments of the blog is okay, but I will delete every comment there hasn't anything to do with the updates/news. Thankyou.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

No news?!

That's right.
TGS had no spot of Fatal Frame 3 on their site. None of the games was even showed up or talked about. Only one of Keikuchi's other game for PSP called Tokobots was there.

Beyond the Camera's Lens just found out that some of the translation from the Japanese version of FF3: The Tormented is a bit wrong!
A little girl in the Japanese version of the game says: "doko ni ikita" which means "Where did (someone) go?"
But in the previous trailer she said: 'traitor'.
It seems like there was a script change or something like that in it.

But for sure in the Japanese version of the game, she does ask Rei "Where did (someone) go?" instead of calling her a traitor.

Thanks to Emi-Chan for the news and for Yume no horousha to clear it up!

And the very beautiful wallpaper of Rei you see up there, is made by BCL's forum member Akaichou! Thanks for letting me use it!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Brazil's scans and translation!

Okay, folks... We now have a amazing new article from Brazil! The follow scans and information can be spoilerlish!

The newest episode of the most frightening series of terror of PS2
No machine guns, bazucas or powerful weapons. Nothing of trained heroes which know what to know to solve everything. Nothing of deformed, big and terrible monsters. Only ghosts, a spooky atmosphere and, for your defence, a photographic camera. This is the world of Fatal Frame III: The Tormented.
Games of terror aren’t innovations in the world of games. Halloween, for Atari, and Clock Tower, for SNES, marked the beggining of the genre, but it was the 3D of PlayStation that made the genre well-known, with Resident Evil. Just in that moment was possible to bring the style of theater for the TV, which made the videogames full of skilled heroes and well armed, like in the american style, facing monsters more terrible each time.
This is where Fatal Frame detachs itself. Following the Japanese-terror style, the game, since its first episode, ignores the tradicional knows-everything hero and is about normal people, haunted by ghosts and supernatural entities, that make a psycological atmosphere much tenser, without liters of blood or horrible creatures.

Fatal Frame III tells the story of Rei Kurosawa, a 23-year old woman that, after her boyfriend’s death, begins to have constant nightmares with a sinister mansion. The worst thing is that whenever Rei has the dreams, an unkwon tattoo spreads itself more and more through her body without explication. The Camera Obscura, photographich machine able to exorcie ghosts, is back, and while the protagonist uses it to keeps herself alive from the ghosts, Kei Amakura, a young journalist, and Miku, the heroine of the first Fatal Frame, have to help her to solve the mistery of this Mansion of Dreams.[Is real called: House of Sleep]
In the visual part, the game stands out with animations in well done CG and a visual for the characters that is in the limit of PS2. The atmosphere of terror is completed with the sound and the camera angles of a movie, with black-and-white screens, flashs, distortions and all the visual effects that characterize the good moveis of Japanese horror.
But, negative points, still exist and, like the ghosts of ancestors, the problems wchich haunt Fatal Frame III are the same of the previous versions. The long pauses for loading in each door you open and the imprecise gameplay confuse mainly when fighiting against the ghosts. But these flaws are insignificant when compared to the quality of the game; so, follow the following walkthrough and prepare yourself, because your life once again will depend on the Camera Obscura.
Developer: Tecmo
Producer: Tecmo
Type: Terror/Adventure
Players: 1
Best point: Graphics and the terror
Worst point: Gameplay (What the?>:()
Graphics: 9,5
Sound: 9,5
Gameplay: 5,0
Challenge: 7,5
Amusement: 9,0
Note: 9,0
To gain more points and make your Camera Obscura gets better, this walkthrough tells every location of every ghost as you progress. Because of this, whenever the text warns you about the presence of a ghosts near whatever place you are, try to take a photo of it.
The function of the Camera Obscura is to exorcise the ghosts and register spiritual energy. To increase its velocity, power of damage or another caracteristics, you must find uprades or buy them with points that you gain when defeating spirits.
-After being hit by ghosts, you lose spiritual energy. Recover it using herbal medicines, sacred waters or stone mirrors.
After investigating the mansion which her boyfriend, Yuu, visited before his death, Rei Kurosawa was touched by a malign spirit and now the spooky tattoo spreads itself through herself after each nightmare.
Many thanks to Yuna Amakura for the scans and the translation of the scan!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Cool News From BCL!!!

Beyond the Camera's Lens has this cool update on the site! Emi-Chan have just got a new scan, not about Fatal Frame 3, but about Fatal Frame 4. It's interesting to note the article reads:
"What every major publisher is working on, whether they want you to know about it or not..."
On the scan you can see some games(not only Fatal Frame 4) like Spider-Man 3, Need for Speed Underground 3, Tomb Raider next-gen and also Gran Turismo 5. You can find the scan on BCL's front site!

Amano Tsukiko news!
Amano Tsukiko's main website just got updated and will be reopening September 21st. (The same day her album, 'A Moon Child in the Sky' comes out.) It looks like it's going to be space alien themed!
Her Otokura website also updated with another radio interview plus a few more online and magazine interviews. Also, for Amano fans looking for merchandise, Black Peace Now/Peace Now's (a street punk/Japanese gothic lolita store) is offering a Amano Tsukiko bag which says 'a moon child in the sky'. Check it out!

Tokyo Game Show Convention this weekend!
It's already that time of year for TGS. Right now, Tecmo Japan hasn't release their TGS release list yet, but they are listed as being exhibitors! :D Check out the official site (in english) here.'s TGS coverage
Gamespot's TGS Coverage

XPlay on G4 TV Highlights Fatal Frame 3
So lucky that we have Emi-Chan... or else we didn't know what will happened around the Fatal Frame World!:P
XPlay talks about the Winchester Mystery House and throws in shots of the game here and there so you are still slightly aware that this premier party was for the game.
X-Play tends to do their game reviews and ratings when the games come out. (And they did mention Fatal Frame III will be out in November 2005 for the US).
Also... We were shown some of the same scenes we've known about (granted...these were in english voices and subtitled). What is funny, is there was no mention of Kei Amakura ANYWHERE. Just Rei and Miku.

Emi-Chan record the XPlay and have these cool sceens! This is not all of them, you can visit the site for waching more.

Find more here... BCL will maybe have this record up later. We are not sure when. ^_^

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

EXTREME thanks to Lisa for sending Emi-Chan an email about this!

G4 Tech TV will be featuring Fatal Frame on their September 15th (Thursday) show! (11pm ET / 8pm PT)

The episode review reads the following:

"We preview Tak: The Great Juju Challenge and take you to the Fatal Frame Event. Plus our review of Darkwatch and more Games for Cheap Bastards."

We hope they're talking about the recent event at the Winchester Mystery House in San Fransico! Check your local listings for G4 Tech TV!

Fatal Frame on the Xbox 360

Alright you Xbox owners. A few people wondering if they will be able to play their Xbox games or for those waiting for a 360 if they'll ever get a chance to play any fatal frame games on the platform. Well, here is your chance to have yourself heard fatal framers! is having an xbox compatibility poll asking people to VOTE to decide what Xbox games they want to play on the 360. (While our first fatal frame is not on the list, Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly is.)
- source( & BCL)

Monday, September 12, 2005

More Fatal Frame 4 rumours?

Lord Dorkus (from Tecmo Forums) has mentioned that PGM has released their game lineup for the PS3 thus far. The lineup includes a notation for Fatal Frame 4 under Tecmo's releases for the PS3. So is this more positive information for a fatal frame 4? Fans can only hope!Magic Box also had the following information about the rumoured 4th edition of the series although they didn't list a source...saying Kikuchi-san announced it. (This info was postem July 28th, 2005)
"Tecmo producer Keisuke Kikuchi revealed that the company is working on the 4th installment of Fatal Frame for the next generation consoles (PS3 and Xbox 360)."

Sunday, September 11, 2005

FF3 in Europe & Jedia Amano

Special thanks to fan starla zero and Beyond the Camera's Lens for sending us these scans!

Games TM magazine September issue (in the UK) has a wonderful 2 page article on Fatal Frame 3 (or as they are calling it in the article, Fatal Frame Zero). While diehard fans might be used to the images by now, European fans should remain hopeful that this means they haven't been forgotten and hopefully news of a European release of the game will come soon. While Games TM Magazine makes no prediction of release dates (Like Playstation UK magazine did with March 2006), they do mention that the game is out in Japan. And of a december 15th release in the US. (WHere did they get that from?!)

Jedi Amano: While there is a LOT of Amano news to share (magazine appearances, dates for her latest tour in Japan...all of which you can find on her official otokura website. A Loyal fan sent me an email concerning her Moon child in the sky album.
Apparently J-poop, which is an english online magazine that talks about japanese releases...has short sound clips of MOST of Amano's songs available for fans to download and listen to! 'A Moon child in the sky' is the album which will feature Koe, the themesong from Fatal Frame 3. So what are you waiting for?! Go Listen to the songs!
PS. I believe the photograph is of her from her PV which is of the Title track from the album..which is sadly unavailable at this time.

Many thanks to Emi-Chan and Starla zero.!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Two new wallpapers!

Thanks to lesleysmith25 from Beyond the Camera's Lens for telling us this!

Both of these wallpapers is feature at the corner of the kimono room in blue and black. The blue one is titled 'illusion' and I think it's aptly named.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Conflicting Reports

Is The Tormented the last game of the fatal frame series??While BCL has reported 'hopeful' rumors of a Fatal Frame IV, GamerFeed's interivew with Kikuchi-san & Shibata-san isn't as inspiring:

GF: Finally, with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on the way, do you feel that the series can expand even more or do you have perhaps another idea for a new series?

Keisuke Kikuchi: The Fatal Frame series, as far as we're concerned, will be completed after The Tormented. The story is complete, it's done. But, of course, we're always striving to do more, and we have ideas that we wanted to implement but we couldn't on the current system. So, when the 360 comes out, I'm sure we would want to try out doing stuff we can't do now, that we couldn't do with the current system. But it could be a new series. We don't know yet.

You can read the full article here.

Many thanks to Beyond the Camera's Lens!!

We have also got two new affiliates:

Thanks for emailing me, both of you. And remember, I will love to add you on my link list. It will be great to have Fatal Frame sites and fans from around the world. So feel free to email me. ^_^

Monday, September 05, 2005

For over 1,000 hits!

Thanks to everyone, who have visit the site! I'm very greatful that people are visit it, and I hope that you will still do! Many thanks to Beyond the Camera's Lens members, who have helped and visit the site! And also thanks to Zero Shot for many great news! And not only that... many thanks to everyone who have made Double Shot better!


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Fatal Frame VS Silent Hill

Made by Henry.

Okay, I have got a lots of emails about if Fatal Frame was better then Silent Hill, so this is why I'm making this.

What diffent is there between the games? The Fatal Frame games is a Japanese horror game, while Silent Hill is just a horror game with scary things like a Japanese style.

What diffent is there between the gameplay? Fatal Frame has the beautiful spooky background and the background music makes everything much more scary. And in Fatal Frame you have only one weapon, a camera. Silent Hill has also that real-look background, the sounds is also great, but not so scary as Fatal Frame. In Silent Hill can you have many more weapons then in Fatal Frame.

A camera or a gun? Haha. Well, the camera(s) in Fatal Frame is like a gun. You will take a picture of a ghost, and that's is like you are shoting it. A gun is Silent Hill(or other weapons) is a weapon to fight monsters.

Nightmares? Silent Hill is there the 'real world' and the 'nightmarish world', where they monsters comes. Only in Fatal Frame 3 is there both worlds. In Fatal Frame 1 and 2 there is a village or a haunted mansion, there is waiting for us. In Silent Hill is there other places.

Monsters or ghosts? First... you can 'kill' monsters with guns in Silent Hill, but can you kill a ghost with it? No. That's why Fatal Frame has a amazing camera with powers to 'kill' the ghosts.

Fatal Frame or Silent Hill? If you like Japanese girls there is trapped in a mansion or old haunted village, where ghost tries to help you or kill you, and a camera there shows picture of these ghost and that a ghost suddenly pops up in front of your camera, then Fatal Frame is something for you. If you like the to-much-real-look horror games and like something pops up from the walls in your apartment, then Silent Hill is something for you.

A little help from Sae-Yae. And many thanks for making a amazing wallpaper, Henry!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Tecmo rocks!

Again, and very fast, Tecmo has got a new wallpaper up! It rocksss so much!

I can say that they make very *amazing* wallpapers!

As now, that we have got the new wallpaper, Double Shot have got a new logo(banner). Yay!