Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Conflicting Reports

Is The Tormented the last game of the fatal frame series??While BCL has reported 'hopeful' rumors of a Fatal Frame IV, GamerFeed's interivew with Kikuchi-san & Shibata-san isn't as inspiring:

GF: Finally, with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on the way, do you feel that the series can expand even more or do you have perhaps another idea for a new series?

Keisuke Kikuchi: The Fatal Frame series, as far as we're concerned, will be completed after The Tormented. The story is complete, it's done. But, of course, we're always striving to do more, and we have ideas that we wanted to implement but we couldn't on the current system. So, when the 360 comes out, I'm sure we would want to try out doing stuff we can't do now, that we couldn't do with the current system. But it could be a new series. We don't know yet.

You can read the full article here.

Many thanks to Beyond the Camera's Lens!!

We have also got two new affiliates:

Thanks for emailing me, both of you. And remember, I will love to add you on my link list. It will be great to have Fatal Frame sites and fans from around the world. So feel free to email me. ^_^


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