No show for Tecmo?

Many have been wondering if Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented is going to be on Xbox and Xbox360. There has been no news about it yet, either have there with Fatal Frame 4, which many fans wish Tecmo is gonna talk about on E3.
But the news are bad... According to IGN (quoting Famitsu magazine)
Tecmo has revealed its lineup for the show will be focusing on three titles. Korobot Adventure for the PS2 (Aka Tokobot aka Karakuri this game has three names now?) which was also designed by Keisuke Kikuchi (fatal frame creator). Xbox 360 will have Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 and the a game for the Nintendo Revolution called Pangya Revolution. All three of the tiltles will be shown in Video Form.
No news about FF3 to xbox or FF4 yet. Let's keep our fingers crossed about the news.
- source Beyond The Camera's Lens
For some days ago I got a email from Shinobu, who gave me another link of Fatal Frame 4. (Or more PS3 news)
They say that Tecmo also are going to make Fatal Frame 4, or they just name it.
The PS3 Game Lineup So Far:
Return of a "beloved fighting franchise"
New Ghouls N' Ghosts
RE 5
Western-themed action game (likely Red Dead Revolver 2)
Tomb raider Next-gen
Fatal Frame 4
There is alot of other games named, but I took the ones which is ALSO rumored around other sites. This is still just a rumor, but you can already see how many sites, there says there will be a Fatal Frame more. We are still waiting for Tecmo to confirmation the news!
Thankyou, Wil! *hugs* I will credit you and Amano of course. ;D
And I will change the link as well.
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