Cool News From BCL!!!
Beyond the Camera's Lens has this cool update on the site! Emi-Chan have just got a new scan, not about Fatal Frame 3, but about Fatal Frame 4. It's interesting to note the article reads:
"What every major publisher is working on, whether they want you to know about it or not..."
On the scan you can see some games(not only Fatal Frame 4) like Spider-Man 3, Need for Speed Underground 3, Tomb Raider next-gen and also Gran Turismo 5. You can find the scan on BCL's front site!
Amano Tsukiko news!
Amano Tsukiko's main website just got updated and will be reopening September 21st. (The same day her album, 'A Moon Child in the Sky' comes out.) It looks like it's going to be space alien themed!
Her Otokura website also updated with another radio interview plus a few more online and magazine interviews. Also, for Amano fans looking for merchandise, Black Peace Now/Peace Now's (a street punk/Japanese gothic lolita store) is offering a Amano Tsukiko bag which says 'a moon child in the sky'. Check it out!
Tokyo Game Show Convention this weekend!
It's already that time of year for TGS. Right now, Tecmo Japan hasn't release their TGS release list yet, but they are listed as being exhibitors! :D Check out the official site (in english) here.'s TGS coverage
Gamespot's TGS Coverage
XPlay on G4 TV Highlights Fatal Frame 3
So lucky that we have Emi-Chan... or else we didn't know what will happened around the Fatal Frame World!:P
XPlay talks about the Winchester Mystery House and throws in shots of the game here and there so you are still slightly aware that this premier party was for the game.
X-Play tends to do their game reviews and ratings when the games come out. (And they did mention Fatal Frame III will be out in November 2005 for the US).
Also... We were shown some of the same scenes we've known about (granted...these were in english voices and subtitled). What is funny, is there was no mention of Kei Amakura ANYWHERE. Just Rei and Miku.
Emi-Chan record the XPlay and have these cool sceens! This is not all of them, you can visit the site for waching more.
Find more here... BCL will maybe have this record up later. We are not sure when. ^_^
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