Fatal Frame 3 Review on G4!

G4 has now a very cool review on their site. Adam Sessler talks about Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented.
They have also writing little bit about the game here.

The video is about some of the story of FF3, but they tells also about everything else. Like Miku, who is "Rei's sister" as they says. Not true!
As we already know, Miku is the first main character in Fatal Frame 1. G4 also says that Miku is the cleaner of the house her and Rei is living in, which is very true.
G4 also says that the ghosts in the game can come from anywhere. Yup, we can see that.>.>

Adam says that Fatal Frame 3 looks like they two first ones. Maybe because you enter the place again? Yeah.
The video is great, and also funny. Watch the spoilerish video here!
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