Friday, November 11, 2005

Rankings everywhere

There have being a lot of Fatal Frame 3 rankings since the game hit the gamestores in US.

I found one, there had ranking The Tormented very much, with the most great things like sounds, gameplay, story and so on with about 4/5 stars. But the weird thing is that they writes about like it was a game with no story. Yeah, sounds weird, but it is true. Yahoo Games gave the title: " The super creepy Fatal Frame series gives players the chance to 'shoot' troubled spirits with the Camera Obscura once again."

But then when you read it:

"Following in the "shudder"-bug footsteps of the series, The Tormented introduces a new player-character photographer named Rei Kurosawa (talk about your unnecessary social pressure!). By the Fatal Frame standard, she's an unusual beauty, tall and slinky -- but she's in unusual misery, hagridden by guilt over the death of her beloved fiance Yuu, dead in a recent car crash (with Rei behind the wheel at the time). "

It sounds like the game is boring.

Anyway, there haven't being posted new wallpapers on the japanese FF3 site, so I really think they don't make more. But I hope they do!^_^


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