Wednesday, August 31, 2005

GameInformer previews the third game!

So, yeah well after Emi-Chan got back, you already know what that means. The news will come faster!^^

Anyway, GameInformer have their Fatal Frame 3 site, and there is nothing new, but GameInformer does have a host of downloadable movies of both ingame gameplay and some of the beginning game FMVs. But all of the downloads (4) is in Japanese, so don't think it is in English. Some of the FMVs is in gameplay version.

To download the FMVs, check this site, and the sceens doesn't have subtitles in English.

1 download: Intro. (Cutsceen)
This intro starts with that the rain falls down, and we follow Rei Kurosawa walking slowly and hurt over against her car, where she finds Yuu, her boyfriend, dead.

Then later, we sees Rei on her work. Taking photos of a old mansion, and Miku Hinsaki is helping her. Rei takes a picture of a hallways, where suddenly a shadow is. The shadow is Yuu. Rei follows it, and find herself in a wrong place.

2 download: Nighmare. (GamePlay)
The sceen starts with Rei is running in the mansion, some "snow" is falling down of the skys.
As she runs/walks into the mansion, she sees Yuu and follows him. (This is like FF2: Crimson Butterfly. Mayu are just follow butterflies.)

Next gameplay:
Rei is running around, and suddenly a ghost shows up.
When she starts to run away, she suddenly hear something behind her. A man is running after her with a weapon in he's hand, trying to kill her.

Next gameplay:
Rei sees Yuu again, and he is still walking away from her.

As she follows him, a little girl talks to her. Evil ghost or just a help?
And as she follows Yuu more, our Topless friends shows up.

3 download: Camera Obscura. (Gameplay and cutsceen)
Well, Rei is running around, trying to find Yuu, and trying to find out what there is going on here.
As she sees Yuu over her, she follows him, and suddenly finds a camera: The Camera Obscura.
Now Rei can have to cameras. Her own (working one) and Camera Obscura.

4: download: Ghostbuster: (GamePlay)
Rei is trapped in these nightmares and have to find out again. So she finds a door, which is locked. She needs to go and find something to unlock it. She does and on the way back, a femal ghost trys to kill her.

Double Shot have also make two new buttons!
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Monday, August 29, 2005

Amano's new album cover!

Amano's 4th album cover! Wow, she looks creppy! A Moon Child In The Sky, is the new album name of it!

Here is the track listing for the CD:
2. Devil Flamingo
4. Idea (A Moon Child mix)
5. Stone
6. Hisui (A Moon Child type)
7. 1/2 -a half-
8. Koe
9. Satou Mizu
10. Parade
11. Hakase to Kujaku
12. Kakan

Yes, Koe is on. So if you haven't got Koe (the theme song for Fatal Frame 3) yet, then you can buy this CD!

Thanks to Miroku-san from BCL's forum and BCL itself.

Also... A WARM welcome to Emi-Chan (Beyond the Camera's Lens), who just got home from her wedding and honeymoon! Welcome home, Emi-Chan, I hope you had a nice wedding!

Not only that, BCL's admin had also birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EMI!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Tecmo News and Pre-Order.

Sorry for the late update.

Again, Tecmo got a really nice Fatal Frame 3 wallpaper! (Thanks to Sae-Yae for telling it.)

Also...Tecmo's English version of their site got this "wallpaper" up.

And I was around some websites today, and I found that you already now can Pre-Order Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented. IN ENGLISH! Take a closer look, and find out more here.

Haha, and I just got a counter up! So I can see who man who vitit the site. Already 10? Hey, I just got it up. Thanks everyone!XD

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

z-o-g pictures of FF3 & GameSpy interview!

This is what I have been looking for! And I have totally forgot about this great site! (Stupid me)

I WARN everyone, because there will be Miku's cat(Yes, not Rei's) will be seen, and also some cool pictures of the game.

SPOILERS! These not not all of them!

To see more:
Sceen gallery
Costume gallery
Ghsot list galery

Totally, and many cookies thanks to Maskrider!!!

And GameSpy has this great interview on their site about Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented! It's from the trailer and interview before I think.

Inada: So, you know Mr. Kikuchi. Here's a new face, Mr. Shibata. He's actually the director of Fatal Frame. We kept him behind the scenes, because he's the one who actually came up with all of the sick ideas. He's the one who actually practices and believes in the spirit world.
GameSpy: I remember, a couple of years ago, you had the Fatal Frame II unveiling event, and Kikuchi-san said there's someone in Japan...
Inada: That's him. [Laughs] The infamous guy.
GameSpy: I was wondering if you could give me a little bit of a background on Fatal Frame III?
Shibata: The main character, Rei, gets into a car accident where she ends up killing her boyfriend. After the accident, she goes to this mansion, a ruined mansion, and starts to interact with the spirit world, and that's how the story starts. You will see a character from Fatal Frame 1, Miki, who joins the adventure. GameSpy: Does this take place a few years after the original Fatal Frame game, timeline-wise?
Kikuchi: Of course, Fatal Frame 1, II, and III are three independent stories, yet at the same time, it is a parallel story. [Fatal Frame III is] set up as a story that takes place roughly two years after Fatal Frame 1's story.
GameSpy: This is the third Fatal Frame game for PS2. Is it tough coming up with new ideas, or do you find that when you finish the previous game you have leftover ideas and you're eager to get to the next game?
Kikuchi: So of course, the underlying concept for Fatal Frame is still there. This version, in particular, has multiple playable characters. That's something we've always wanted to do. The previous version had pretty much stayed in the state of a dream, so to speak. You fought in the state of a nightmare. This game will allow you to go back and forth between the reality and the dream world, or nightmare world, and that's something we've always wanted to do.
GameSpy: Something that you had talked about earlier, Kikuchi-san, is that you don't believe in the occult but Shibata-san does. I was wondering if you could tell me more about that, and if that affects the development going back and forth?
Kikuchi: Absolutely no problem.
Shibata: There's really no problem because if I say "this is good" or "this is interesting" or "this is something that we should do," then Kikuchi can say yes or no -- mostly yes.
Kikuchi: My job is to basically balance out everything that Shibata wants to do. If we did everything that he wants to do, or what he has in his vision, it's not going to fit in our capacity that we're given. My job is to basically find ways to commercialize Shibata's ideas.
GameSpy: Japanese horror movies, starting with The Ring, have become quite popular in America, and it has continued, not fallen off, with recently The Grudge. Are you surprised that there's a staying power for Japanese horror movies in America and how that might be affecting the popularity of your games?
Shibata: The first The Ring became a big hit and I was quite surprised. But then I was pleasantly surprised that American people could understand the concept.
Kikuchi: I, too, feel scared when I watch American-style horror movies, so that basically makes me believe that the feeling of fear is universal, no matter what the style is.
GameSpy: I find it interesting that most horror games seem to come out of Japan, even though Western-developed games have become very popular in this generation. Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Fatal Frame are the three best-known horror series. Do you have any insight into why that might be?
Kikuchi: What I think is that in order to make a good horror game, you need to know how to control yourself by not revealing the fear ... you have to fight your temptation to just do something that [puts] everything out there, everything in your face. It's very difficult to resist the temptation to not show anything in a room that has nothing, to try and create a fearful experience. Maybe the American culture and nature is to want to just show it, do it, let it out. Japanese are better at controlling their urges to hold it back and not show anything, everything all at once. Maybe that's why.
Shibata: I believe that the American game developers, they start their project by figuring out the game system. Then you move forward once you figure out what the game system should be. Japanese developers, on the other hand, go in more with the emotional aspect of the game: how gamers will feel when they play this type of game. Consequently the horror genre is a better fit for such an approach for developing a game.
GameSpy: I want to ask Kikuchi-san the same question I did the other day [then in regards to Trapt, this time about Fatal Frame III]. Why is it always a cute female character starring in the game?
Kikuchi: If I answer your question, I'm going to just give you the same answer again, so I'm going to ask Shibata to answer that question.
Shibata: It's quite simple. This is a game that is not violent. You can't muscle your way through. To portray that concept, obviously a female main character is better. We all know that females are a bit more spiritual than men. So it was a very obvious choice to pick a female character to play this role.
GameSpy: There are several playable characters in the new game. I was wondering if you could tell me a little about them, and how you came up with them?
Kikuchi: There are three objectives we had in implementing multiple characters to become playable. For one, we wanted not only to show a strong woman as the main character, but to show how a weaker character could become a playable character in the story. Number two is to show the variation on the playability aspect of different characters. It's always nice to have more variety of playability, and to do that we had to have multiple playable characters. Thirdly, I wanted to portray the characteristics of different playable characters. Some are small characters so they can hide better than others, or they're a little more nimble than the bigger character, or whatever. It was all about letting the players experience more variety of characters.
GameSpy: I'd like to finish with a question that's a bit more general. There's some debate with whether with Xbox 360 coming out this year if Microsoft is pushing the next generation too fast, or whether Sony's approach of holding it out longer is better. I was wondering if you were excited about making next-gen games, or you'd rather continue to make current-gen games longer?
Kikuchi: From a developer's point of view, I always feel the pressure from the big bosses that we need to come up with something that will utilize the new, next-generation system which will appeal to the consumer. It's moving rather rapidly, and sometimes I wish we wouldn't have to be pressured in that way. Of course, as a developer I'm challenged and intrigued with the new generation platforms, and always looking forward to see what we can do with them. From a business standpoint, it would be better if all three console makers would work in unity so that we can provide more ... so that we're not always chasing after something that is new.
Thanks to GameSpy!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented Interview with Keisuke Kikuchi & Makoto Shibata!!!

Yay!!! English version on this one! Yeah, also Miku's voice can be heard.

Keisuke Kikuchi tells a little about Fatal Frame 3, and the diffents about the three games. And really, this interview is really good! And of course this is SPOILERLISH! Because you will seen some new sceens!

Watch it here...

Thanks to Beyond the Camera's Lens for saying it will come soon! (But I found it first, hehe>:))

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Freddie Kruger in FF3 & Reply from John Rogers!!

Made by Rei-Chan. (Me)

Thanks to MioKawaii from BCL have been so great to post this sceen!

Rei has lost her boyfriend, sadly... But hey, she is single!

It really looks like Freddie Kruger, but can it be a female or? Find out when you buy the game!

As we know Rei was chosen to be the Babe of the Day at GameSpy, but... because of a shower sceen? O.o

Hmm, yeah. She is naked, but you don't see anything... yet.. Still, this sceen is so freaky that it could be a movie!

Many thanks to MioKawaii for post this up!

And then for the Reply from John Rogers! Many, Many, MANY thanks to Zero Shot for letting me put up this!

Zero Shot had email John Rogers, who is going to making a Fatal Frame Movie, and this is what happened. (This is not news, but at least something!)

Zero Shot wrote: You probably get lots of emails that you have to shift through day after day, but hopefully you'll take sometime to read and (hopefully) reply to this one ^__^;;;

I was just wondering if we'd be recieving any news on the Fatal Frame : The Movie any thime soon. It was claimed that the movie was going into production early 2004, but nothing was heard. Moviesonline also claimed the movie would be coming out in November 2005 (or 2006). Which seems pretty unlikely...
It just seems the movie's just been casually forgotton... Usually no news is good news, and I've sort of been fighting with my self whether to email you or not, incase I get a nasty reply back (laughs nervouisly). I would love to hear anything at all about the movie, or even reassured the movie hasn't been forgotton. I'm very excited to see Fatal Frame on the big screen - I hope it's success :D
Thank you for reading this

Kerrianne Harrington

John Rogers wrote back!: Oh no, we were actively moving on to the next step -- but the UNiversal/Dreamworks deal has just slowed things down a bit.
The big issue is that we really want to make it super-creepy, and the recent glut of imported Japanese-horror means we've got to really dig and an make it different.
I assure you, though, several highly-paid humans are indeed working ont he movie.


Many thanks to Zero Shot!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Videogame Babe of the Day: Rei Kurosawa!

This update is FULL OF SPOILERS!

Lots of updates now! Enjoy ;D

IGN has a lot of news on their site!

First some cool new sceenshots! SPOILERS! They are new! Find them here...

Also, GameSpy(who is working with IGN) has named our hero from FF3, Rei Kurosawa, as the Babe of the Day!
Find it Jeff Hall

August 19, 2005 - Tecmo is among the leaders of the pack when it comes to developing game babes. Latest in the line is Rei Kurosawa, making her debut in this third edition of the Fatal Frame series, "The Tormented".
In this spookily-adeventurous 3-quel, the name of the game is (of course) stayin alive!
Life sucks.

At least it does in the Fatal world. In this game, it gets even suckier when our cute protagonist finds herself moving between crappy real life and the crappier nightmare-world. Which isn't to say this is a crappy game, however.
This is horror, and every good horror title needs to have some depressing environments with which to thoroughly spook you.

Not to be deterred by game babes' status as imaginary (i.e. not real), we still can't help wondering about the answers to some of our common questions.
Like for example: relationship status. Well, seeing as Rei's adventure is kicked off by her finding picture of her dead boyfriend in a haunted mansion,
we'll take it she's single. Yay!

Let's imagine we were Rei, and had a camera obscura of our own. Well, being hot, we'd probably spend countless hours using it on ourself, hiding it in discreet places in the bathroom, and spend time soaping ourselves up in the haunted shower.

But there's no time for that. We'd need it for our own safety, as it's our only defense against the forces of darkness. And speaking of the forces of darkness, even some of the ghosts in Fatal seem like they could have once been hot.

Is this where we get into a clinical discussion of necrophelia? Nah, we'll spare you from it this time.We'll instead tell you that Rei's constantly tortured by nightmares, where she realizes that the ghosts are real, and won't leave her alone. Neither will we. She's also got this snake tatoo that becomes increasingly prominent as time goes on through the game. What's the secret of the tatoo? Well buy the game, kill the lights, and find out!

Thanks and full credit to Zero Shot for point this out to BCL and Double Shot!

And one of our affiliates, Another Angel's Thanatos, has found this tips article! It's a little bit info about Fatal Frame: The Tormented. But it looks great! Thanks for this!

- Sources: Fatal Frame sites: Zero Shot & Another Angel's Thanatos. Games sites: IGN & GameSpy.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Miku fanart/fanwallpaper!

Trout, one of the BCL's members, have done a very VERY great Miku Hinasaki wallpaper.
I have to say, that I haven't seen so beautiful a drawing before! Thanks for letting me put it up, Trout! ^_^

Also... If she is watching the site sometimes... I wish you much luck on the wedding, Emi-Chan!

There will come something up here, when you comes back from the wedding. ^_^ Have some nice days, and please... be careful to both of you!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sceenshots from the first FF3 ending!

SPOILERS! Don't watch these pictures! It's one of the ending! Thankyou!

All of these pictures is taken by me, and thanks to BCL's member MioKawaii for posting it.
Enjoy! ^_^ And if you wanna use some of these, please email me or leave a comment with your name and site. Thankyou. Rei-Chan.