Freddie Kruger in FF3 & Reply from John Rogers!!

Made by Rei-Chan. (Me)
Thanks to MioKawaii from BCL have been so great to post this sceen!

Rei has lost her boyfriend, sadly... But hey, she is single!

It really looks like Freddie Kruger, but can it be a female or? Find out when you buy the game!

As we know Rei was chosen to be the Babe of the Day at GameSpy, but... because of a shower sceen? O.o

Hmm, yeah. She is naked, but you don't see anything... yet.. Still, this sceen is so freaky that it could be a movie!
Many thanks to MioKawaii for post this up!
And then for the Reply from John Rogers! Many, Many, MANY thanks to Zero Shot for letting me put up this!
Zero Shot had email John Rogers, who is going to making a Fatal Frame Movie, and this is what happened. (This is not news, but at least something!)
Zero Shot wrote: You probably get lots of emails that you have to shift through day after day, but hopefully you'll take sometime to read and (hopefully) reply to this one ^__^;;;
I was just wondering if we'd be recieving any news on the Fatal Frame : The Movie any thime soon. It was claimed that the movie was going into production early 2004, but nothing was heard. Moviesonline also claimed the movie would be coming out in November 2005 (or 2006). Which seems pretty unlikely...
It just seems the movie's just been casually forgotton... Usually no news is good news, and I've sort of been fighting with my self whether to email you or not, incase I get a nasty reply back (laughs nervouisly). I would love to hear anything at all about the movie, or even reassured the movie hasn't been forgotton. I'm very excited to see Fatal Frame on the big screen - I hope it's success :D
Thank you for reading this
Kerrianne Harrington
John Rogers wrote back!: Oh no, we were actively moving on to the next step -- but the UNiversal/Dreamworks deal has just slowed things down a bit.
The big issue is that we really want to make it super-creepy, and the recent glut of imported Japanese-horror means we've got to really dig and an make it different.
I assure you, though, several highly-paid humans are indeed working ont he movie.
Many thanks to Zero Shot!
hi Monica! Thx for your message on!
your site is BEAUTIFUL! xxx Natascha
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