Still alive

Double Shot has been down in the past weeks, and I'm sorry about that.
The reasons is that there hasn't been any big news about the Fatal Frame games. TGS (Tokyo Game Show) wasn't having big news for a Fatal Frame 4. The only Fatal Frame news is that in a new WII game, Super Swing Golf, Miku Hinasaki has been found!
Read more on Beyond the Camera's Lens.
Double Shot will get a make over!
Later today Double Shot will get a make over. The site will might move as well, but I will post a link later. Finally, I have been thinking making Double Shot as a real Fatal Frame news site about Fatal Frame series, Fatal Frame sites, Fatal Frame fansites and any kind of updates and news about Fatal Frame. Double Shot will also get a small gallery and we might also have reviews and more! It will be bigger and more easy! Look forward to it! ;D