Late out and review

Dark Zero has a review of Project Zero 3: The Tormented. They gave it 8.2 which is pretty cool! Read it all here!
As I said in the lastste post; Norway, Sweden and Denmark(No idea, if Norway got it now) haven't got Project Zero 3 in the stores yet. Fans are feeling that the game won't come at all. And yes, I'm also mad over it, since I haven't got it.
The release date was set on 24th Feb, where alot of fans got it. Sadly, some places didn't heard anything about it, before in March.
Then it was set on today (10 March), but they delayed it a week more. Let's NOW hope that it comes and there won't be any problems anymore.
Fans are giving up soon, and more want to order it over the internet.
And as I promised looooooong ago(so sorry), I promised a friend to post these pictures, and he wanted to tell a bit about them.
Explanation of pictures:
Nikko is famous hallowed ground in Japan. 3 large sinto-shrines, large temple, 2 syougun's tomb and small shrine, temole, tomb, innumerable.
Daiyuuin is Iemitsu TOKUGAWA's tomb and splitual house.
Iemitsu was 3ed syougun of Edo-bakufu.
syougun was top of samurais.
bakufu was government managed by samurai.( Government managed by tennoh(emperor) was called Cyoutei.)
Edo is called Tokyo now.
Japanease had 3 bakufu. Kamakura-bakufu builded by Minamoto family in 1192. Muromachi-bakufu builded by Asikaga family in last Ieyasu Tokugawa(Iemistu's grandfather) and his family builded Edo-bakufu in 1603.
Kirlie killed in 1837, in those days Edo-bakufu managed by 12th syougun Ieyoshi Tokugawa.
Nikko is Tokugawa family's sacred plase.
Mon is gate. Daiyuuin has afew mons. nioh-mon, niten-mon and more.
Warrior statues put on mon.It is the guard.
narabi-jizou : Jizou is hotoke. idol from stone. maybe you know. twins-jizoh appear FF2. narabi meaning stand in a line.
They say when count narabi-jizoh in night, they misscount number. therefore, Narabi-jizoh is called Bake-jizoh. Bake meaning phantom.
Nikko tamozaea royal villa used by emperor. It has old japanease style.
Kitano-shrine is small. Its deify God of scholarship.
(Thanks alot! These pictures is also taking by him. ^_^)
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