News News!

Sorry, for the long time to update this. This week has been very stressful for me, since I only have 97 days back in school. (Yay!)
Okay, let's move on, shall we?
Anthology Scans!
Many thanks to Keke from the BCL forum for posting and scanning these lovely pictures!

Here is some more from the forum!
Take Two Interactive Interviews Shibata-san!!!
This is pretty spoilerish for Fatal Frame 3.
Emi has updated BCL with this HUGEEEEEE interview that Take Two got with one of our heros, Shibata-san himself!
Read everything here. (Hope you don't mind, Emi.)
Thanks for the amazing news, Emi!
A off-site thing:
Hey Lauren, thanks for the email you sended me. I replied you yesterday and I haven't found any news about NFS3 yet. As soon as I do I will post it here. ^_^
Bad news for Denmark:
I was in the mall today, and I asked to get Project Zero 3 (Fatal Frame 3) to the side for me, so I just could get it when it came without standing in tons of people.
He told me... *sighs a bit and prays* that the game wasn't on their list. So he told me that either, I came to early that he could tell me anything about the game. OR... that the game wasn't coming to their store.
Well... I'm mad, because the store will have poster of a new game there comes! Gah...
But okay, I more want the game. I can find it somewhere else...^_^
Besides... the store is not only a game-store but a COMPUTER/GAME/TV/Much-more-so-I-can't-think.
Also... Soon will Tormented Dreams has alot of scans from the FF3 guide and the Zero 3 comic book, since I have them both now. (Thanks to my mom www- wait... she doesn't have a website. XD;)
And also, Tormented Dreams will also soon have game-play-cutscenes. (No idea, though.. kinda waiting for Emi to answer or have time for it. ^_^)
And about Voice Over, there has been down in LONG time now - It's on it's way, I just need a few pictures here and there and then it will be up.
And it's new layout its... not good, but it's bigger then before. ^_^
that first picture with rei and miku with the.. err.. eyes is so freakin scary, man O_O
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