FF movie and more FF4 rumours

The creator of Ablazingly Courtney Webb mentioned on her website wanted to mention that the rumour of her asking for a part in the movie "its only a rumour and probably not true." And for fans who were questioning Courtney not being hired because she isn't Japanese, she's actually 1/4th Japanese. Also Starpages.net also seems to be covering the circulating rumours about Courtney Webb's role in the Fatal Frame Movie. See here for more info
- source (Beyond the Camera's Lens)
More Fatal Frame 4 rumours?
Actually, this is an older article by CVG, but it hadn't caught it until now. 4players.de is also reporting the same article. Here's what it says:
In an interview with Japanese website IT Media, producer Keisuke Kikuchi disclosed that his team is busy designing a further instalment for the next band of consoles, which will allow them to throw twice as many enemies at players. With Project Zero 3 currently set for PS2, it looks like the unnamed title in question could well be Project Zero 4. See, we knew that maths GCSE would come in handy one day.
It's much the same as IGN had said, which still could be a mistranslation or misinterpretation of what Kikuchi was saying!
- source (Beyond the Camera's Lens)
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