More FF3 game-play info!

Miyu, J.Saviour, Ri Hoshino, Yume no Horousha, Lesley, Eiko, Andmebrick and Pupu have updated this GREAT GREAT info to BCL.
Okay, this is VERY spoilerlish! There is two pictures of Rei Kurosawa in a diffent costume, with cat ears.
The pictures will come soon. But now when we are talking about FF3(I do all timeXD) Miyu Tachibana have say yes to I could put more info up. Thankyou so much!
New names for ghost:
1)Topless woman--Reika
2)Topless woman's lover--Kaname
3)Kaname's father--Akito
4)Kaname's mother--Kuse Kyouka:She's the hostile ghost "flying woman" in the kimono room with a koto, a dressing table, and scary locks of hair on the wall. When she is defeated, she will cry "Akito-sama" before vanishing. Also the ghost Kei has to fight to get the key to the box.
5)The Kuse family(owner of the house of sleep)
6)Kaname's sister:Amane(probably):She is one of the four girls with hammers and nails. Kei found her sitting in the corner of a room, crying for her brother, just before the place where he jumps across the rooftop after Kaname's shadow. I think she is murdered by the other three girls in the basement before the way to the ceremony site, perhaps to prevent her from helping Kaname. (You will see her body on the floor, surrounding by the three girls, when you first reach this point.) There are blood stains and three or four nails stuck out of the floor where she used to be. (evil little girls.-.-lll)
7)Woman in hospital--Takigawa Yoshino:She's the sole survivor in a plane crash. Her parents and boyfriend/husband(?) are killed so she feels guilty for being alive, and thus is drawn into the House of Sleep.
8)A mother's ghost--Makie
9)A girl ghost--Kozue: Makie and Kozue are missing people in some old news clips. Apparently they are searching for their husband/father. Kozue also feels sorry that she is the cause of him missing, and she writes this in a note found in the game, apologizing to her mother. More will be told as to what this is all about.
If you will read more on the endings, then visit this site. (BCL)
Rei: a total of 4
-Black kimono with pink and blue flowers. The flowers on her kimono are irises.

-Red kimono(patterns unsure of now)

-A working lady outfit(details will be added later)

-Gothic lolita dress with a apron(maid version). And is similar to Alice in Wonderland's dress with velvet rims and shorter length.

When there comes more(Maybe of Miku and Kei.) then I'm sure it will be post here. On that note: You can see the cats ears all the time on Rei, but that is NOT. It's only a accessories. ^_^
Also, Beyond the Camera's Lens have got two new scans! A EGM scan and a OPM!
You can find them on BCL front site, just look down.^_^
And to them who ask me information about how to find things in FF1 and FF2, I don't want to telling that. If you need help with the game, please visit a site. And if you need cheats, then go to a cheat site. I don't post those information, because this is a update site/blog, not a helper site. It's not to be mean, but I love to help, but really, I don't post those information.
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