Fatal Frame 3, storyline and much much more!

Only spoilers will be in this text! Do NOT read if you don't want to spoil the game!
One of Beyond the Camera's Lens members, Tachibana Miyu, have been very nice to point out Fatal Frame 3's storyline, endings and much more!
Ending 1:
-Kei dies, and turns into ash.(Those who are covered by tattoos turn into ash)
-Rei will wake up, startled and checking whether are the tattoos still there and cried.
A strange thing is that they didn't say what happened to Miku.. oh yes, she was surrounded by ghosts when you enter her room after waking up.
Ending 2:
-All 3 of them lived and mio too!
-After defeating topless woman, the bodies of both herself and her boyfriend lies there. She is staring at the corpse of her boyfriend, eyes opened and Rei closes it for her.
-You will then keep walking till you reach a door which reveals a ocean, which in Japanese tradition, is called "常夜海", and something like "三途之川". which means the netherworld. The sky there is dark and gloomy, without anyone there. You'll see paper boats floating around but it seems to be stopped in the travel of time.
-A sound then came from the back. A wooden boat behind you. -You will then go back to topless woman and her boyfriend's bodies and put them in the boat. Pushing the boat away, like sending them to the world of the dead.
-You will then see many human shadows appearing at the end of the sea and together with the paper boats, moved towards the ocean.
-Each boat represents one dead person. The shadows move with their own little paper boats. -Then you'll see someone familiar. Who is Yu!
-Rei chases after him, begging him not to leave her and take her away as well. -But he didn't seem to hear at first. Rei then bends down crying and he appears in front of you. -By then, the tattoos would have almost overcomed every part of your body.
-Then they have a conversation:
Rei: "Yu..Yu...don't leave me again......I want go with you this time.........I want you to be with me all the time.........because of you, I have learnt many things and also because of you, I managed to survive until now........I am sorry....really sorry.........I want to go with you this time."
Yu: "Thank you........I am really glad to hear this...but....I have to go already........if you are dead, I will be very sad........I will always live in your heart when you are alive..............so....so.......I hope u can continue to live(or survive)......."
And he hugged her. By then, he took away all the tattoos on her body.
-After he disappears, Rei wakes up in peace.(That sounded strange but its important because sadly, she always wakes up in fear, pain or in a state of shock.O__o)
-In the running clips/staff introduce, the little images behind shows Miku and Rei sitting together at the beach (seems to be having a talk), Rei and Kei sitting together at a bank of river, Rei teaching Miku how to develop films and Kei introducing Mio to Miku and Rei.
Other things:
-The first ending of ff2 is used to continue ff3.
-The reason why Kei appeared is because Mio fainted and never woke up(Mio is from Fatal Frame 2:Crimson Butterfly).
-Mio has the tattoo too in the game.
-The tattoo's meaning is endless missing (missing someone).
-In other words: Rei is in the dreamland because she misses Yu, Miku because of her brother and Mio, Mayu. As for Kei, it seems like its unknown.
-Kei resembles the topless woman's boyfriend. (Now we know why she always pesters him.
-Miku fainted(she was chasing after Mafuyu (Yes, Mafuyu is back too.)
-Topless woman's name: 久室 零華 (I don't know how to convert it..and I'm pretty sure her name was revealed in other threads..^ ^)
-You CANNOT get ending 2 just by playing hard/nightmare, you must at least complete the game once. And on the second round, you have to defeat a female ghost using Kei.
After defeating her, go to her room after getting a key to a box(?) and you'll find an accessory belonging to the topless woman.That will prevent you from being killed by her.
-And the woman in the hospital is NOT Mio. She was the only survivor in a plane crach and entered the dreamworld. She is also the first person to be reduced to ask in front of you.
-Seems like the Shop is back for you to buy new clothings, accessories, movies and posters!
-It seems like the mansion is more confusing right now but the puzzles are easy.
-The black cat belongs to Miku!
-The little girls are not the mikos, they are just a part of the holding the ritual by hammering nails into the shrine maiden's body. They can be a real pain, when you fight them.
So the picture where Rei was surrounded by them, means it is battle time! (Seen from a FF3 trailer)
-All 3 of them hold different ones but they look about the same
-Many new abilities eg: something about using all the blue balls in one shot?
All will be ruduced when you use a skill. (at the bottom left hand corner) -->"無'' is the ability...NEVER RUN OUT OF FILMS!
It is also good because you ONLY get 2 zero films in the game and less than 10 films for type 90. -->"祭" is the ability that when you take up your camera, it is automatically charged, so you can deal more damagde.
-Sadly, the 2 abilities above can only be obtained in a hard way. Like "無'' can only be obtained after finishing nightmare.
Rei: A total of 4
-Black kimono with pink flowers,maybe sakura
-Red kimono(patterns unsure of now)
-A working lady outfit(details will be added later)
-unknown yet!
Miku: A total of 4
-Blue kimono(patterns unsure)
-kimono(colour and patterns unsure)
-Gothic Lolita(details unsure, but it is described as the normal GL you see on street or anime)
-unknown yet!
Kei: A total of 2
-Pure dark blue Kimono
-brown kimono
Rei: A total of 4
-Cat ears(black at the back and white in front)
-yellow flower on her head
Miku: A total of 4
-Cat ears
-Hairband(looks something like that)
Kei: A total of 2
-light brown rope around his head
-crimson butterfly clip near either its left or right ear
-a piece of silk
-like material around its neck(colour unknown)
-There are a total of 217 spirits for you to capture in order to complete your spirit list!
Why the comeback of past characters/crismon butterfly?
-I'm sure most of you know by now.. but she came to work under Rei, a photographer, as her assistant.
-The Mafuyu you see in the dream is NOT real. Because the mansion draws people who misses someone too much, miku imagined seeing her brother.
-Fainting and leading to coma, she never woke up. Her uncle, Kei, being worried, went to Rei and only to find out that Mio did not wake up is because she herself was trapped in the dream.
Crimson Butterfly: -unknown yet
Firstly, this mansion(house of dream?) belongs to the 『久世』family. There is this shrine behind the mansion that belongs to them, built for the purpose of conducting rituals. It is to take away the pain and sorrow of the tattoo on the shrin maiden, which is very painful. After that, she will be placed at 終ノ淵 to guard the 常夜海 as to save the people of world. Men cannot enter this shrine. But there can be exceptions. When the family needs someone to continue their family line, they'll bring a man, who is a total stranger and bring him there. When he fulfils his job getting the selcted woman pregnant, he will be chased away. 秋人, is the one be brought to this place and he fall in love with 久世鏡華, thus having a child named 秋人 要. 秋人 being his family name. However, it is not acceptable to have a boy, thus the family decided to kill him. But his mother helped him to escape to a village. Later on, she had a girl named 雨音.(She is one of the little girls carrying hammer and nails) 秋人 要 fell in love with 雪代零華,who was one of the four little girls. Because 雪代零華 is an outsider.....her village was destroyed by unknown reason, so she was adopt by 久世, therefore changing her name to 久世零華. 久世零華 loved 秋人 要 but she intended to forget about him after agreeing to be the shrine maiden for the tattoo ritual. But unfortunately,秋人 要 chase her till終ノ淵 and was killed right in front of her. But to become a shrine maiden, she had to absorb the pain and sorrow from the world but because of her sudden pain and sorrow due to the death of her boyfriend, the ritual was reversed and it burst out.(something like the hellish abyss erupting in All God's Village) and ever since then, anyone who suffers from missing someone who is dead, will be attracted to the dream. But also, they must have the guilt and feeling responsible for the person their missing's death. (Eg:Miku thinks she caused her brother's death because she couldn't save him. Rei thinks she is responsible for Yuu's death. Mio thinks she is responsible for Mayu's death.)
1. 紫魂の儀----Use fresh blood to mix with the blood of the dead to make a type of ''ink'' to be used in the tattoo ritual. Oh yes, in the game, you'd be able to see the word "柊" in many files. It means pain in the game but from an ancient tale, it means snake or some kind of plant.(Is unsure but just some extra info for others who are interested.=)) After 柊 withers, it will flow to 涯の流水, which either means a river, valley or the other name of 常夜海. where the ending is held.
2. 刺魂の儀----The ink is used to carve 柊 on the shrine maiden, who had to guard the 常夜海.
3.咎打ち----The little girls(the little mikos whom we presume to be) are called 鎮女. It is a type of rank and their job is to hammer nails through the shrine maiden's body. And at the same time, having to sing a children song to allow her to rest in peace. The nails they carry, are a type of special wooden nail. They use it to hammer through the shrine maiden's hands and feet, sealing their sorrow.
4. 見切り----(I'll try to update more on this later)
5.戒の儀----(I'll try to update more on this later)
Thanks to Miyu & her friend for this great update!
Also, BCL will have updates tonight. Please, check it out! And Zero Shot was really nice to make a banner. Thank you so much! It rocks!!!
And there will be ALOT of spoilers and updates now, because Zero 3 is out in Japan.
- Sources( Tachibana Miyu & Zero Shot)
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