Friday, August 05, 2005

Fatal Frame/ Project Zero 4?! Is it true or?

(Thanks to Zero Shot for point this out!)

The journalist who wrote this article, conserning Fatal Frame continuing on the next generation of game consoles may be mistaken.
"I said this in GameFAQs as well, but don't get too excited folks. The journalist got his facts wrong. Kikuchi-shi did not say that they were working on the next Fatal Frame game, but said that if they were to develop on a different hardware, including the possibility of the next generation consoles, he would like to add something new. This was in regards to the question whether they were going to port FF3 to the Xbox like the previous two games, which Kikuchi-shi answered that they had no plans to do that yet."

So this is NOT sure at all. Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented is just come out in Japan, and there will be more and more updates now!

And Zero Shot have also set up the LYRICS TRANSLATION OF KOE!!!

Tecmo updates!

Tecmo has a new Rei Kurosawa wallpaper up! Check it out!

GameSpot updates!

Three movies (this mean SPOILERS, everyone!) are now able to be watch.
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3

Please, save this on your own server!

- sources (Zero Shot & GameSpot)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I 'd like to say that I have heard that there is a fatal frame 4 for the nitendo wii go to wickipedia it says that it has been comformed that there is one

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But it's for ps2 isn't it? I have seen a website thats it's going to be for ps2 and wii

4:09 AM  

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