Sunday, November 06, 2005

Developmental Diary Part 4

The last installment of Shibata-san's Fatal Frame III Developmental Diary is up on!

"To progress through the story and collect information in Fatal Frame III, you can receive mail, ask Miku to investigate something, and listen to the voices of ghosts. So, you get fragmentary information from various sources. Also, Rei, Kei, and Miku gather different information as they each search the House of Sleep separately. "

Very cool, if you ask me! ~_^

"We made the system so that the heroine goes back and forth between the House of Sleep in her nightmares, and her own house in the real world. The player can come back to the house in the real world by just stepping outside the House of Sleep at certain times in the game's story. I let the player decide when he or she wants to come back to the house in real world. Once the heroine comes back to the real world, all items are reset to normal conditions and can be used again. So the player can then go to the nightmare world at his or her own pace. "

Just like Silent Hill 4: The Room. You can get out of the nightmares by walking though a hole. But in Fatal Frame 3, you just have to find the exit in The House of Sleep.

"We did this on purpose because we want the player to imagine and hypothesize about the secrets and the history of the House of Sleep. We even included wrong information. This is an experimental try. Normally, the player would get to know the figure of the story (or the secret) as more information is collected. But we wanted to make the player get caught up in the chaos, and make them imagine more. With this chaos situation, the player is drawn deeper into the story, and gets the feeling that they are part of a massive mystery. "

Wrong information, huh? Don't worry, Shibata-san, all the fans will find out the true story about House of Sleep! ~_^

"The second proposition is to make the action better and improve the gameplay as result. Rei has the flashlight to beat ghosts without focusing the camera angle. She is the proper character to run away from the ghosts. Miku can make ghosts move slowly, and can charge the power of the camera two times more than usual. Also, she can enter narrow spaces such as a crawlspace under the floor. However, she lacks physical strength and her camera shooting range is narrow. So, she is the type of character who requires technique on the part of the player. Kei has little spiritual power, but has a special ability in that he can hide from ghosts. His camera does not have much power per shot, which requires him to do several rapid-fire shots. So, Miku and Kei have unique features, and the player can enjoy different gameplay styles with them. "

That is cool! Fatal Frame 3 will rock the stores around the world!

"For me, it is not just a video game, but precious artwork, created with careful detail. I strongly believe that the game experience of Fatal Frame III will be special in video-game history. I hope that you play the game and have this artistic experience. "

I can only agree with Shibata-san here!

Read it here!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms.Rei-Chan, Can you help me too how can i change some in my site's too? I hope you will help me too.! Thanks a lot!!

3:53 AM  

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